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[一年级英语] 一年级下学期单词表

发表于 2016-5-16 16:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海

I. Try to read the words.(牛津、佳音单词为重点)
M1U1: frog    rabbit   bee      bird
M1U2: sheep  hen     dog      cat
M1U3: soup   noodles  rice      egg
M2U1: ball    doll      bicycle   kite
M2U2: jelly    sweet    biscuit   ice cream
M2U3: cola    juice     milk     water
M3U1: warm  hot  cool  cold  spring  summer autumn  winter
M3U2: sunny  cloudy  rainy  windy *snowy
M3U3: T-shirt  shirt dress  shorts  blouse
M4U1: ride a bicycle  skip rope  play football  fly a kite
M4U2: gift  card  firecracker(s)  firework(s)
M4U3: boy  wolf  wolves  farmer(s)        
J1:  one  two  three  four  five
J2:  six   seven  eight  nine ten
J3:  eleven  twelve
J4: book pencil pen pencil box bookbag  thirteen  fourteen  fifteen
J5:  cap  chair  desk  ruler  eraser  pen queen  hair sun  table
J6: banana pear egg apple orange sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
J7:  cup  glass  knife  plate  table twenty twenty-one
J8:  yoyo
J9:  bus  car  cat dog  bird  fish  duck  horse  hen  thirty
J10: kite  boat  ball  doll  balloon  
J11: tree  bell  flower  school  forty
J12: cake  ice cream cone  baby  bicycle  fly  telephone  number
J13: toy shop  clock  drum  airplane  radio  fifty
J15: ceiling   floor  teacher  student  wall   door  sixty
J16: eye  ear nose  hair  tooth  mouth    seventy
J17: head  arm  foot  leg  hand  
J18: raise  draw  his her
J19: walk  stop  left  right  push  robot  button in on over eighty
J20: can  run  sing  write  draw  read  river
J21 ninety  one hundred

S1:  footprints  in the mud  in the sand  in the grass  in the snow
     in the cave
S2:  cat  bird  over the grass  into the tree  into the sky
S3:  dinnertime some meat some rice  some cheese  some bread  
     some milk  
S4:  play with the computer  play with the skateboard(s)  
     play with the ball     play with the pillow(s)   go to sleep
S5:  lion hamburger monkey banana snake sausage giraffe cake
     elephant  dance on the table
S6:  ghost  dragon  pirate  clown  scarecrow  monster
     with a present
S7:  the baby turtle  sun  sand rock  crab  seagull  water
S8:  storm  lightning  rain  wind
S9:  hats   shoes clown pants   the big clown  silly clowns
S10: a ski hat  a ski jacket  some ski pants  some ski boots
     some ski gloves  goggles  some skis
S11: swim  sail  fish  cook  read  
S12: chick worm  in the nest   in the tree  in the egg  
S13: a mouse in the house    jump over the chair
     run under the table  jump over the television  
     run under the cupboard  run into the kitchen  
     run out of the house
S14: cake  muffin(s)  fruit salad  vegetable(s)  milkshake  cocoa  cornflakes oatmeal  sandwich  pizza  

发表于 2016-5-24 14:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2016-5-26 14:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2017-1-13 17:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2017-1-14 21:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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