分享 NO.1 The Three Evil Women
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:20
NO.1 The Three Evil Women
The Three Evil Women Once upon a time , there lived three women who ate energy eggs to survive. Then one day , they ate so much energy and became very evil. They attacked many people , and the king's soldiers couldn't defend against these ...
个人分类: 英文原创|82 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 前言
cwcat 2022-7-29 10:15
一升二暑假开始,娃的英语突然有了输出,口述了一篇小故事,当时还蛮惊喜,鼓励他画了几幅画,再配上口述的文字叙述,做成了一本comic。当时娃也兴致勃勃,一心想去摆摊卖书挣钱,于是又接二连三地创作了3本comic,并乐在其中。。。 转眼一年过去了,这其中也就二上的寒假做了一篇小文,直到最近,才又重拾创作。 于是准备 ...
个人分类: 英文原创|70 次阅读|0 个评论

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