joyzwx 发表于 2020-1-6 11:22

笑一1987 发表于 2020-01-04 17:00
牛听听上的sss和wee sing还有廖彩杏


Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-6 11:56

笑一1987 发表于 2020-1-3 22:51
这么小刷的意义,我个人觉得就是扩大认知,学习发音,类似于认知卡片的功效,海尼曼gk和razaa类似于识字 ...


Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-6 12:00

嘟嘟妈2014 发表于 2020-1-4 05:50
语言只是工具,认知世界母语也可以,这个年龄刷听力SSS比raz有效果的多,这也是楼主提到半年刷raz困难之 ...


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 12:54

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-01-06 10:59



Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-6 13:03

nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-01-06 12:54


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 13:08


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 13:11

小橙子妈妈 发表于 2020-01-03 22:44


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 13:14

笑一1987 发表于 2020-01-03 22:51


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 13:15

haibara2004 发表于 2020-01-03 23:15
楼上跟读的厉害了 不知道raz 现在读到哪一级啦?我也买了raz aa 和海尼曼,当作认知拓展,因为图片都挺真实的,挑点娃感兴趣的读读,纯输入。不知道是否老母亲有必要一直读到高一点的级别(比如到raz b/ 海尼曼G1),反正娃也是看图... 然后等娃大一点会自己念了再从aa开始?友情讨论哈。


nonoanglelyt 发表于 2020-1-6 13:22

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-01-06 10:59



闹妈咪 发表于 2020-1-7 16:24


洛洛小宝贝 发表于 2020-1-7 20:29

嘟嘟妈2014 发表于 2020-01-03 22:30

是我看的raz不对么 AA级里有一些big ,animals这种 我觉得我家理解起来都无问题 日常也会和我说big small这种。dog 这种动物也OK。大概多大或者什么样的基础适合raz?

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-8 11:41

静小安 发表于 2020-01-07 16:24


晨晨晨 发表于 2020-1-8 11:43


虽然不看raz,但两岁半时我替他扫了一遍raz J,生词已经不多了

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-8 12:01

洛洛小宝贝 发表于 2020-01-07 20:29
是我看的raz不对么 AA级里有一些big ,animals这种 我觉得我家理解起来都无问题 日常也会和我说big small这种  。dog 这种动物也OK。大概多大或者什么样的基础适合raz?


Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-1-8 18:36

本帖最后由 Wawa妈妈 于 2020-1-9 12:06 编辑


Ages 3-5*
      •      Read aloud daily, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Snuggle up on the couch or hold your child in your lap. Reading at bedtime is a wonderful way to end the day. By listening to books, young children begin to understand that print carries meaning. Read books with appealing pictures that match your child’s age and interests. Children at this age like books with rhythm, rhyme, and repetition.
      •      Talk about the story and pictures in the books you read together. This time together should be natural and fun.
      •      Encourage risk-taking as children learn to read and memorize their first books. Have your child chime in on repeated lines or a chorus. Respond enthusiastically to early attempts at reading. Never say, “She’s not reading. She has just memorized the book.” Memorizing is one of the first steps in learning to read.
      •      Tell stories together.
      •      Play with language by singing, pointing out signs, rhyming words, and talking about words and letters.
      •      Provide writing materials (such as paper, pens, chalkboard, markers) and a corner or area for writing. You might want to have a writing box with paper, markers, and crayons in one convenient place.
      •      Provide magnetic letters on the refrigerator and plastic letters in the bathtub so your child can play with letters and sounds.
      •      Take your child to hear authors or storytellers at bookstores or the library.
      •      Model writing everyday (such as lists, letters, notes). Invite your child to write along with you.
      •      Have your child dictate a story to you and make it into a simple book.
      •      Respond to your child’s awareness of the words around them (“Wow, how did you know that said Target? That’s great reading!”).
      •      Help your child learn to recognize his or her name in print.
      •      Encourage your child to label drawings with a word or letter and sign his or her name.
      •      Listen to audiobooks at home or in the car.
Ages 5-7*
      •      Read aloud to your child daily. Reading provides the foundation for writing and builds vocabulary. Ask your child to guess what will happen next as you read aloud.
      •      Encourage your child to chime in as you read stories, sing songs, and recite poems.
      •      Talk about books and materials you read with your child. Ask questions about what you read to help your child connect books with their life and experiences.
      •      Visit the library and bookstores regularly.
      •      Listen to audiobooks at bedtime or in the car.
      •      Take books everywhere you go. Keep books in the car and in every room.
      •      Write notes to your child (on the bed, on the mirror, under the pillow) using simple words.
      •      Re-read favorite stories and poems.
      •      Celebrate early memorizing as reading (it’s the first step!).
      •      Tell stories and ask friends and family members to tell stories.
      •      Encourage your child to tell stories from pictures in magazines and newspapers.
      •      Record your child telling stories. Send the recordings to relatives and friends.
      •      Provide writing materials where your child can get them easily. Include post-it notes for lists and notes.
      •      Invite your child to write with you during daily writing (“Could you write that for me on the grocery list?” “Why don’t you put a sign on the door?” “Stick a note on the refrigerator so we don’t forget.”)
      •      Demonstrate the many ways you use writing as you make lists, address envelopes, pay bills, and write notes and letters.
      •      Keep a family calendar where you and your child can write down upcoming events and things to remember.
      •      Encourage invented spelling rather than spelling the words for your child, so he or she can become an independent writer. (Ask, “What sounds do you hear?”)
      •      Encourage your child to label things in his or her room or around the house.
      •      Encourage your child to write the names of family and friends.
      •      Encourage your child to add pictures and a few words to thank you notes or cards.
      •      Play letter/word recognition games while driving (“Let’s look for things that start with ‘p’ or look for license plates from different states.”).
      •      Cut up words and letters from magazines and glue them together to make words and sentences.
      •      Write a story together.
      •      Encourage your child to make up plays and puppet shows.
Ages 7-9*
      •      Read books aloud to your child. Reading provides a model of story structure. Engaging in dialogue about the story highlighting interesting parts and connections made and not asking comprehension questions will make reading more enjoyable.
      •      Talk about language, descriptions, and details in the books you read together.
      •      Provide empty notebooks or blank books to use as journals or diaries. Encourage many opportunities for your child to write, such as writing stories, writing books about their interests, writing letters to friends and relatives, etc.
      •      Make books together about trips, holidays, events, and your family. Writing for a purpose helps make it meaningful for your child.
      •      Respond to the ideas and content first when your child shares his or her writing.
      •      Point out patterns in English as your child tries to spell challenging words.
      •      Encourage your child as he/she tackles longer writing pieces and begins to edit and revise.
      •      Be a supportive audience for your child’s writing.
      •      Read different things aloud, in addition to stories (such as recipes, letters, and directions).
      •      Visit bookstores and libraries regularly.
      •      Balance different genres in reading: fiction, nonfiction, fantasy.
      •      Find books with patterns, rhythm, and rhyme that help children as they first begin to read them on their own.
      •      Encourage your child to read to friends, children in your family, or other relatives.
      •      As you read together, ask your child to predict what might happen next or talk about how the book relates to your child’s life.
      •      Talk about authors, illustrators, or interesting words.
      •      Talk about the characters in the books you read. Ask questions, such as “Does that character remind you of anyone you know, or a character in another book?”
      •      After reading a story aloud, retell it in your own words with your child’s help.
      •      Keep a list of “Favorite Books We’ve Read” a wish list of “Books to Read.”
      •      Ask friends and relatives to give books as gifts.

小橙子妈妈 发表于 2020-1-10 10:09

ruo11111 发表于 2020-01-04 18:44


小橙子妈妈 发表于 2020-1-10 10:13

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-01-06 11:08


笑一1987 发表于 2020-1-16 08:59

Wawa妈妈 发表于 2020-01-06 11:56


InCaseOfRainO 发表于 2020-2-1 21:39


yoorim2 发表于 2020-2-20 23:39


福慧榕 发表于 2020-2-21 01:03


jiasideng 发表于 2020-4-10 05:44


ttt555 发表于 2020-4-11 17:00


happygemma 发表于 2020-6-11 17:57


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