小李子 发表于 2012-1-18 17:17



II. Grammar(20分, 每题1分)  21._____ we had expected, Liu Tian was admitted into Fudan University.  (A) Like (B) What  (C) As (D) What if  22. Clara often took her pigeon to some places far away ________ let it fly home.  (A) so that (B) hence (C) otherwise (D) and then  23. Do you think ______ doing some listening in the morning is a nice way of developing listening?  (A) why (B) how (C) that (D) whether  24. I'd appreciate _______ if you could lend me a hand with my homework.  (A) so (B) it (C) that (D) you  25. _____ vocabulary you have, ______ you'll find it to read the newspaper of English-speaking countries.  A) The larger… the easier  B) The larger…the more easily  C) The more…the easier  D) The more …the more easily  26. From then on , the town _____rapidly. (A) has grown  (B) is grown (C) grew (D) is growing  27. Are you still here? You _______ at home hours ago.  (A) oughtn't to have stayed (B) shouldn't stay (C) couldn't have stayed (D) needn't stay  28. _______ up in a blanket, Harold was helped into the ambulance.  (A) Having wrapped (B) Wrapped  (C) Being wrapped (D) Wrapping  29. When I passed by Tom's house , I noticed him ___ by his father. A) beat B) beaten  C) being beaten  D) beating  30. Was Tom the only one ________ knew well at yesterday's party? (A) that  (B) who (C) whom (D) you  31. Have you finished your work _____? What a hardworking boy!(A) already  (B) yet (C) still (D) almost  32. He hasn't left his hometown ______ his return from Shanghai.(A) for (B) on (C) since (D) by  33. _______ will you take to prepare for you papers?(A) How soon (B) How long  (C) How often (D) How far  34. Mary is a top student in the class. You cannot speak ___highly of her.(A) very (B) well  (C) much (D) too  35. ____ it rains tomorrow? I think we'd better take umbrellas.(A) In case  (B) If only  (C) How come  (D) What if  36. ______ you work more efficiently are you able to catch up with others in the class.  (A) Only when (B) Long before (C) Unless (D) Until  37. I think there are only a few sports that are both ____ and ______.  (A) entertaining…relaxed (B) entertaining…relaxing (C) entertained…relaxed (D) entertained…relaxing  38. The careless driver is ______ for the traffic accident ______ yesterday.  (A) to blame. .happened (B) to blame…happening (C) to be blamed…happened (D) to be blamed…happening  39. He said that he had nothing _______.  (A) to feed his birds (B) to feed his birds with  (C) to feed his birds on (D) feeding on his birds  40. In the Olympic Games, swimming is ______ second ______ importance only to track and field events.  (A) the…to (B) /…to (C) the…in (D)/…in

小李子 发表于 2012-1-18 17:18

zzsszz 发表于 2012-1-19 15:36

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