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热度 1已有 1265 次阅读2012-5-8 14:03 |系统分类:小学教育| 二年级, 英语, 徐汇区


      Class  ______ Name _______ No. ________

一、        按顺序写出字母

Aa ____ ____ Dd ____ _____ ______ Hh _____ _____ _____ Ll

 Mm ______ _____ Pp _____ ______ ______ Tt ____ _____

Ww ______ ______ ______

二、        把下列单词归类

 pen   nose    butterfly    pear     green    ruler   salad  

eye    black    chicken    bee    pineapple

ear _______   ________          blue _______   ________

book _______   ________         carrot _______   ________

bird _______   ________          grape _______   ________


ship _______   ________          hot _______   ________

run _______   ________           summer _______   ________

tiger _______   ________          shirt _______   ________


   Today is sunny . It’s Linda’s birthday . There is a big cake on the table . Linda is eight . She is tall . She is thin . Her eyes are big and her hair is brown . She has a present . It’s a nice doll . It’s pink . Linda is happy . They eat the cake together .

1.      (     ) Today is Linda’s birthday .

2. (     ) Linda is tall and fat .

3. (     ) She has two small eyes .

4. (     ) Linda is eight years old .

5. (     ) There is a cake on the table .

It’s Sunday . It’s a sunny day . Kitty and Alice are in the zoo . Look at the elephants . They are big . They have long noses . They are grey . The monkeys are thin . They are naughty . The pandas are lovely . Kitty and Alice are happy .

1. (    ) Kitty and Alice are in the park .

2. (    ) The monkeys are grey .

3. (    ) The elephants have long noses .

4. (    ) The monkeys are thin and naughty .

5. (    ) They are happy .


(      ) 1. 你想问别人那是什么,该说:

        A. What are they ?      B. What is that ?

(       ) 2. 你想告诉别人这只猪又胖又可爱,说:

A.     That duck is fat and lovely .   B. This pig is fat and lovely .

(       ) 3. Kitty问你是不是喜欢蛇,她说:

        A. Do you like snakes ?          B. What do you like ?

(       ) 4. 你想买一个热狗,你说:

        A. May I have a hot dog ?        B. I have a hot dog .

(       ) 5.  Jack问你Peter 会干什么?

        A. What can Peter do ?          B. What can you do ?



      Class  ______ Name _______ No. ________

一、        阅读理解T,F

Dick and Kitty are in Shanghai Zoo . They can see many animals in

the zoo . Dick likes tigers . The tigers like to eat meat . Kitty doesn’t like tigers . She like monkeys . She sees some monkeys in the cage . They like to eat bananas . Two little monkeys swing on the rope . They’re happy . Dick and Kitty are happy , too .

(     ) 1. Dick and Kitty are in the park .

(     ) 2. Kitty likes tigers and monkeys .

(     ) 3. The tigers like meat .

(     ) 4. There are two monkeys in the cage .

二、        情景判断T,F

(     ) 1. 你想知道Kitty喜欢吃什么,你问:What do you like to do ?

(     ) 2. Alice想吃面条,她对爸爸说:May ai have some noodles ?

(     ) 3. 妈妈的头发又软又滑,你说:My hair is soft and smooth .

(     ) 4. Andy问你这是不是一辆火车说:It is a train .

(     ) 5. 你问Peter 会不会游泳说:Can you swim ?

三、        选择正确的答句

(     ) 1. Can you fly in the sky ?

        A. No , I am not .        B. No , I can’t .

(     ) 2. Give me a spoon , please .

        A. Here you are .        B. Thank you .

(      ) 3. What’s this ?

        A. This is a bee .          B. It’s a bee .

(     ) 4. What can you do ?

A.     I can ride and swim .   B. I like riding and swimming .

(     ) 5. Do you like winter ?

        A. Yes, I like winter .       B. Yes, I like summer .

(     ) 6. What can you see ?

       A. I can see a bird .        B. I can hear a bird .

(     ) 7. How many trees ?

       A. Green trees ?            B. Nine trees.

(     ) 8. How are you ?

       A. I’m fine .                B. I’m five .

(     ) 9. What colour are the lions ?

       A. It’s brown .               B. They’re brown .



      Class  ______ Name _______ No. ________

一、        阅读并判断T  F

Peter , Jack and Tom are in the park . Look at the flowers . Some are red . Some are pink . They are beautiful . They can play on the grass . They can play football . They are happy .

(    ) 1. They can see some butterflies .

(    ) 2. Peter can play football .

(    )3. They are in the classroom .

(    )4. Peter , Jack and Tom are happy .

二、        读情景判断 T , F

(     ) 1. 你看见一朵粉红色的花,你说:I see a pink flower .

(     ) 2 . 别人问你苹果什么颜色的, 你说:What is it ?

(     ) 3. 想知道有几个菠萝,你问: How many pineapples ?

(     ) 4. Eddie 把书包放在书桌上说:Put the book in the desk .

(     ) 5. 告诉别人你的头发是短的:Your hair is short .

三、        根据提示填空

1.      I like __________ . 溜冰

2.      Look at the _________ . 猴子

3.      How many ________ . 兔子

4.      I can see ________  _________ . 绿色的树

5.      The panda is _______ and ________ . 又胖又可爱

6.      My father is ________ .

7.      I like eating_________ and ________ .  面条、肉

8.      What ________ you ________ ? 能看到什么

9.      The flowers are _________ . 漂亮

10. I can see a ________ . 长颈鹿

11. Can you _______ ________ _______ in the park ? 放风筝

12. Put the book _______ _______ ________ . 在书桌里

13. The ball is _______ and _______ . 又软有滑

14. May I have some _________ ? 苹果

15. Look at the ________ .

16. Let’s ________ .

17. Kitty _______ see the train . 不能

18. _______ you hear the van ?  

19. They can ________ bicycles .  

20. Spring is ________ and ________ . 美好、温暖







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