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已有 1091 次阅读2017-6-30 15:57 |系统分类:学前教育

Heinemann GK
B35.The Hat: The ... went in the hat. (bear, fox, rabbit, duck, squirrel, mouse, ant) POP!
B37.Going on Vacation: We put the ... in the car. (bags, toys, blankets, balls, bears, food, dogs) Good-bye! 巩固blanket
B39.Hiding: Puff likes to hide ... (in the box, in the bag, in the closet, behind the chair, in the basket, under the rug, under the bed, in the bed...too) 生词:closet,behind,rug
B41.Hop, Hop, Hop: I can hop ... (in the grass, in the leaves, on the wall, on the rocks, in a puddle, up the stairs, hop hop on the bed) 生词leaf/leaves,巩固on the wall,up the stairs
B43.Rain: Look at the rain! The rain is falling on the ... (a pig, grass, a frog, flowers, a bird, trees, a dog, me) 娃总是把me跟my搞不太清楚:(
B45.So Big!: Look at my ... My ... is big. (hat, coat, bag, bowl, spoon, book, chair). Look at me. I am big, too!
B47.Fun at School: We ... at school. (read books, write stories, paint pictures, sing songs, eat lunch, play games, make puppets, make friends) 背!
B49.My Big Brother: My big brother likes to ... with me. (paint pictures, ride bikes, swing, jump, read books) My brother and I like to ...(climb, slide) My big brother likes me. And I like my big brother!
C9.Mouse: Mouse likes ... She likes to eat ... in bed. (cake, cookies, sandwiches, pizza, apples, bananas) Mouse loves cheese. She loves to eat cheese in bed. And mouse likes to dream in bed, too.
C10.Mop: "Come here, Mop." Jill said. But Mop did not come. (sit here, jump up, get the stick, get the ball, run, stop)






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