1、Lisa hopped on her bicycle and ______ as fast as she could through the dark narrow backstreets to get home after working the night shift.
(A) bounced (B) commuted (C) tumbled (D) pedaled
2、Rated as one of the top restaurants of the city, this steak house is highly ______ to visitors by the tourism bureau.
(A) encountered (B) recommended (C) outnumbered (D) speculated
3、The manager ______ agreed to rent his apartment to me. Even though the agreement was not put in writing, I am sure he will keep his word.
(A) barely (B) stably (C) verbally (D) massively
4、Plants and animals in some deserts must cope with a climate of ______—freezing winters and very hot summers.
(A) extremes (B) forecasts (C) atmospheres (D) homelands
5、The high-tech company’s ______ earnings surely made its shareholders happy since they were getting a good return on their investment.
(A) robust (B) solitary (C) imperative (D) terminal