本帖最后由 婷婷妈2005 于 2017-9-4 18:45 编辑
英语写作贴之一 ---说说如何指导孩子写英语故事
write a story也是英美小学中低年级阶段的重头戏. 今天就先来说说怎样写故事里的几个小方法吧. 写作不易,要写好更需要不断地练习和高人指点. 在此抛砖引玉,欢迎各位爸爸妈妈多多指点,共同进步.
How to write a story
1. 注意斟酌句子里的用词 (对这部分感兴趣的话,以后还可以具体谈谈,词汇的内容太多太细,这里就不铺开说了)
* Precise nouns 比如: 用Siamese 而非cat
* Well-chosen adjectives 比如: rusty, smooth, cold, frail, oily等等
* Powerful verbs 比如: 使用She limped…而不是She went…
2. 保持句子的多样性
* 短句 比如: She froze.
* 长句 比如: They opened the front door and made theirway into the end room where, to their amazement, they found a small mousebrandishing a large needle.
* 问句 比如: What was it?
* 感叹句 比如: No!
* Action Sentence of three 比如: The robot glided along, began to glow green and suddenly exploded!
* Description sentence of three 比如: He wore a red cloak, yellow shoes and a ridiculous hat.
3. 句子怎么起头
* When 例如: After eating breakfast, the hobbits began to dance.
* How 例如: Slowly, he chewed the carrot… 还可以用诸如angrily, bravely, quietly, sadly,helpfully, carefully, silently, cautiously, wearily, happily, quickly等等副词放在句首.
* Where 例如: Under the table was an old box… 也可以使用inside, outside, below, up, into, down, over,across, underneath, beside, on, in等等来开始句子
* ‘-ing ‘ starter 例如: Wondering where the key was hidden,Jack searched the room…
* ‘-ed’ starter 例如: Amazed by the juggler, Jane tried to throw the hoops into the air.
4. 在句子中增加修饰
* 形容词 例如: The old alien ate the jamsandwich…
* 副词 例如: The alien ate the sandwich eagerly…
* 比喻 例如: The alien ate the sandwich like asavage beast…
* Who 例如: The alien, who was starving, atethe sandwich…
* ‘-ing’ 例如: The alien, hoping it would soon gethome, ate the sandwich…
* ‘-ed’ 例如: The alien, frightened by the dog,ate the sandwich…
5. 句子如何收尾
* ‘-ing’ 例如: The alien grinned, hoping that the dogwas friendly.
* ‘-ed’ 例如: The alien grinned, excited by seeingthe scrap yard.
* 对说话人的动作描写 例如: “ Stop,” yelled Mr. Jenkins, pointingat the boys. |