热度 5|
昨天晚上回家做了兩頁邏輯狗;認了7,8個中文字(爸,媽,馬,下,弟,哥,土,地);看了一集PEPPA PIG;讀了4,5本英文書(牛津樹2階段3本+培生基礎版2本)+2本中文繪本;自己用點讀筆跟讀了一遍26個英文字母+單詞;跟我情景對話了去動物園的行程,問what animal do u want to see? she said: monkey. Then I asked her: how many monkeys are there? she said: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. and we keep on walking to see "tigers." she can understand many animals and get to know the meaning of " how many xxx" and we pretend to see the doctor. she gave me pretend stickers as prize boz I'm very brave the whole process. I said, I wanna a blue one, yellow one, green one, red one, purple one. All she can understand.
that's enough for yersterday.
Keep on fight~~
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