发表于 2018-9-30 09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
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Before Dark
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! Magic Tree House #1 Dinosaurs Before Dark
by Mary Pope Osborne
Jack and Annie find a magic tree house that takes them to the place and time of the
dinosaurs. They encounter different kinds of dinosaurs including a Tyrannosaurus rex
and find a gold medallion with the letter M engraved on it.
Chapter 1
1. Why did Jack get frustrated with Annie? he likes real stuff and she likes to
pretend p. 1
2. What did Annie find up in the tree when she ran into the woods? tree house
with a rope ladder p. 3
3. What was in the tree house? books p. 5
4. Why was Jack excited about books being in the tree house? he loves books
p. 5
Chapter 2
1. What did the Pennsylvania book have a picture of? Frog Creek and the
woods Jack and Annie were in p. 8
2. What book did Jack find a Pteranodon in? dinosaur book p. 8
3. What appeared out the window of the tree house when Jack wished he
could see a Pteranodon? a real live Pteranodon p. 9
4. What happened to the tree house after Jack said these words? the wind
began to blow and it spun faster and faster p. 12
Chapter 3
1. How did Jack find out where they had landed? read it in the book p. 15
2. Why was it so hard for Jack to believe they had landed in a time 65 million
years ago? it’s impossible, doesn’t seem real p. 17
3. Did Annie have a hard time believing it? no p. 17
Chapter 4
1. How did the Pteranodon feel when the children touched him? soft, like a
dog p. 19
2. Why did Jack take notes like a scientist? first people to ever see a
Pteranodon, he liked to do research p. 19
3. Why did Annie talk to Henry? she thought he understood her p. 22
Chapter 5
1. What finally convinced Jack that they were in a time long ago? seeing the
dinosaur p. 25
2. What kind of dinosaur did they see? Triceratops p. 25
3. What did the Triceratops do when Annie fell in front of the dinosaur? looked
at her calmly then ran away p. 29
4. What did Jack find in the grass? a gold medallion with the letter M on it p. 32
Chapter 6
1. How did the Antosaurus respond when Annie went up to a nest of babies?
honked at her and waved her arms p. 36
2. How did Annie get away from the dinosaur? crawled, crouched and
pretended to chew p. 37
3. Why was that Antosaurus the only mama with all of the babies? the other
mom’s were hunting for food p. 39
4. Why did the Antosaurus stop eating flowers and run to the babies? T-rex
was coming p. 42
Chapter 7
1. Where did Jack and Annie run to hide from the T-rex? tree house p. 43
2. What did Jack leave on the hill and want to go back and get? his backpack
and the dinosaur book p. 45
3. Why do you think the Antosaurus’ all came back to their nests? fear of the trex,
honking from the Antosaurus that scared Annie, p. 45
4. What was blocking Jack when he tried to get back to the tree house? Trex
p. 46
Chapter 8
1. What did Jack decide to do when he realized he couldn’t outrun the T-rex?
wait for it to leave p. 49
2. What did Annie do to help her brother? tell the Pteranodon to come get him
p. 52
3. What did the T-rex do when he heard Jack yell at Annie? come after
Jack p. 52
Chapter 9
1. How did the Pteranodon save Jack? flew him away from the T-rex p. 55
2. What was Jack feeling as he rode on the Pteranodon’s back? it was a
miracle, laughed, happy, whooped p. 56
3. Why did Jack need to hurry up to the tree house when he landed? the T-rex
was running for him p. 58
4. Why did Jack need to find the Pennsylvania book? it would get them out of
there and take them to Frog Creek p. 60
Chapter 10
1. Who was calling for Jack and Annie when they got home? their mom p. 61
2. How much time had passed in the real world from the time Jack and Annie
left on their adventure to the time they got back? none p. 61
3. Why didn’t the children think they could tell anyone about the tree house or
their adventure? no one would believe them p. 67
4. What did Jack have from the adventure that helped him know their
adventure was real? the medallion p. 68


参与人数 5金钱 +60 收起 理由
carol1314 + 16 很好,支持!
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软绵绵_V2AAM + 8 很给力!
luna2007 + 16 前排留名
okmeto + 4 有才


 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-30 09:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

Comprehension Questions- #2 The
Knight at Dawn
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! Magic Tree House #2 The Knight at Dawn
by Mary Pope Osborne
Jack and Annie are taken on another adventure in the magic tree house. This time they
visit a castle where a knight saves them. They’re still not sure who owns the tree house,
but found another clue that gets them closer to the answer.
Chapter 1
1. Why was Jack worried about meeting the “magic person” who built the tree
house? he didn’t know if they would be nice or mean p. 5
2. What did Annie bring along with her to the tree house? flashlight p. 5
3. What did Jack bring with him again? notebook/pencil p. 5
Chapter 2
1. What was Annie’s favorite picture? the one with the knight and castle on it p.
2. Where did Annie send the tree house this time? a place with a knight and
castle p. 12
3. Why didn’t Jack leave Annie and go back home? he wanted to see the castle
too p. 16
Chapter 3
1. What is a difference between Jack and Annie? Jack likes to read about
things, Annie likes to see them for real p. 22
2. What were the drums and horns announcing in the castle? different dishes
for the feast p. 22
3. Where did Annie disappear to? the castle p. 23
Chapter 4
1. What were some noises coming from inside the castle? laughter, shouting,
music p. 25
2. Tell me some things going on inside the castle. people were eating, playing
music, juggling balls, balancing swords on their hands, strolling among the crowd,
dogs fighting over bones p. 27
3. Why did Annie and Jack run away from the party? someone noticed them p.
Chapter 5
1. What room did Jack and Annie hide in? armory p. 32
2. Why did Jack try on a helmet? to see if it was as heavy as a five year old p. 33
3. Who do you think grabbed Jack and yanked off his helmet? p. 35
Chapter 6
1. What were the names of the men who captured Jack and Annie? Squinty,
Mustache, Red p. 37
2. Why did they capture them? they thought they were spies p. 36
3. Why were the men scared of the flashlight? they’d never seen one before and
Annie told them it was a magic wand p. 41
Chapter 7
1. What room did Jack and Annie hide in after they escaped the dungeon?
storeroom p. 43
2. What did Jack and Annie find in the storeroom? a trapdoor p. 45
3. Where did the trapdoor lead to? out to the moat p. 48
Chapter 8
1. What was Jack worried about as they swam in the moat? crocodiles p. 51
2. What did Jack and Annie keep hearing in the water? splashing p. 52
3. Who was staring at Jack and Annie after they climbed out of the moat? the
knight on his black horse p. 55
Chapter 9
1. Where did the knight take Jack and Annie? tree house p. 59
2. Why were Jack and Annie cold? they were wet from swimming in the moat p.
3. Why didn’t Annie know if she pointed to the right picture to take them
home? it was dark p. 61
Chapter 10
1. Did Annie point to the right picture? yes p. 62
2. What did Jack find in his backpack? leather bookmark from the castle
book p. 64
3. What’s the mystery Jack solved? the same person who dropped the medallion
was the same person who owned the books in the tree house p. 65
发表于 2018-9-30 09:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-9-30 09:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-9-30 10:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-9-30 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-9-30 11:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
这个是自己出的题还是机构的题?很厉害啊 ,继续继续
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-30 11:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-9-30 11:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-30 19:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
Comprehension Questions- #3 Mummies in the Morning
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Magic Tree House #3 Mummies in the Morning
by Mary Pope Osborne
Jack and Annie find themselves in the desert near a great pyramid.  They run into a ghost names Hutepi who has waited a thousand years to make her journey to the Next Life.  
Chapter 1
Why did Jack think someone was watching him?  he felt it, maybe the person wanted their things back   p. 2
What did Jack like about Egypt?  pyramids   p. 5
What appeared in the window when Jack wished to go to Egypt?  cat  p. 6
Chapter 2
When the tree house stopped spinning, what did Jack and Annie see out the window?  pyramid, palm tree, people, cows  p. 10
What was the procession for?  a royal person who died   p. 12
What’s a mirage?  happens in the desert, you think you see something, but it’s not really there  p. 15
What did Annie think the procession was?  ghosts   p. 15
Chapter 3
What were pyramids made for?  the house the royal people who died  p. 17
What’s the pyramid made out of?  stone   p. 18
What did Jack and Annie think ran past them in the pyramid?  white figure/ ghost  p. 20
Chapter 4
What’s a scepter?  a stick kings and queens carry  p. 22
What else could the person who ran past them be?  a tomb robber   p. 23
What was the beautiful Egyptian lady made of?  air   p. 25
Chapter 5
Why hasn’t Hutepi been able to journey to the next life yet?  her brother hid the Book of the Dead   p. 27
What did her brother do to help her find the book?  left a message on the wall   p. 28
What are hieroglyphs?   pictures that mean words   p. 30
Why couldn’t Hutepi read the message?  her eyesight is bad   p. 29
Chapter 6
How did Jack and Annie help Hutepi know what the pictures were?  they drew them in the air, explained them to her or drew them big in the notebook   p. 31
Tell me what the four pictures mean?  stairs, boat, jug, cloth   p. 36
Where did the queen want Jack and Annie to follow her?  her burial chambers   p. 36
Chapter 7
What did Jack and Annie find wrapped inside the folded cloth?  scroll   p. 39
What was the scroll?  The Book of the Dead   p. 39
Where did Annie want to leave the scroll?  in the glowing gold box   p. 43
Chapter 8
Who was in the gold box?  Hutepi   p. 44
How would you feel if you saw the mummy Annie saw?   p. 44
Where had Annie gotten lost when she ran away from the mummy?  false passage  p. 50
Chapter 9
Why did Jack and Annie need to get out of the pyramid quickly when the door shut on them?  run out of air  p. 52
How did Jack and Annie get out of the false passage and pyramid?  cat   p. 56
Do you think it was a mirage or the ghost queen on her way to the Next Life?   p. 58
Chapter 10
What did Jack want to have for lunch?  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches  p. 60
Why did Jack and Annie clean up the tree house?  it was a mess   p. 61
What was shining on the floor of the tree house?  letter M  p. 62
发表于 2018-9-30 20:15 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
做个标记 刚好在看神树
发表于 2018-10-1 08:10 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
matk mark。  能问下哪个机构吗
发表于 2018-10-1 08:47 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
发表于 2018-10-1 09:43 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-10 09:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

Comprehension Questions- #4 Pirates Past Noon
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Magic Tree House #4 Pirates Past Noon
by Mary Pope Osborne
Jack and Annie travel to a deserted island during the time of pirates.  At the end of their adventure they get to meet the mystery magic person who owns the tree house, Morgan le Fay.
Chapter 1
What two things did Jack and Annie gather during their other adventures?  leather bookmark, gold medallion  p. 6
What was the picture of in the book that was open in the tree house?  sunny beach, parrot, palm tree, ship sailing on the sea   p. 7
What did the parrot say to Jack and Annie?  “Too late”   p. 9
Chapter 2
What was Annie wearing when she waded into the water?  Her rain boots   p. 13
What did the ship’s flag look like that was coming toward the island?  Black, crossbones, skull  p. 15
What kind of ship has a black flag with a skull and crossbones?  Pirate   p. 15
Chapter 3
What is a pirate flag called?  The Jolly Roger   p. 17
How did the pirates get to the beach from their big ship?  A rowboat  p. 18
What weapons were the pirates carrying?  Knives and pistols   p. 20
Chapter 4
What was the name of the pirate captain?  Cap’n Bones  p. 22
What did Pinky find in the tree house that made him so happy?  Gold medallion  p. 25
What did Cap’n Bones do to celebrate finding the medallion?  Shot his pistols in the air  p. 26
Chapter 5
Why did Cap’n Bones think Jack and Annie had treasure?  They had the gold medallion so they would have they treasure he’s looking for.   p. 8
Why couldn’t Cap’n Bones use the map and find the treasure?  He couldn’t read    P. 29
Where did Cap’n Bones take Jack and Annie didn’t help him find the treasure?  The ship  p. 31
Chapter 6
Where did Cap’n Bones keep Jack and Annie on the boat?  Locked in his cabin  p. 36
What was the whale that was in the riddle to find the treasure? the island  p. 39
What was the eye of the whale?  A big black rock   p. 39
Chapter 7
What did Jack and Annie tell the pirates they’d need to get the treasure?  shovels & rope  p. 42
What’s a GALE?  Big waves, strong wind and heavy rain / bad storm  p. 43
Why didn’t Cap’n Bones help Pinky and Stinky?  To make sure Jack and Annie don’t get away from him.  P. 44
Chapter 8
Why did Stinky and Pinky run to the rowboat and paddle for the ship? The parrot was a bad sign  p. 48
Who was the parrot talking to when she squawked, “go back”?  Jack and Annie  p. 49
Why was it hard for Jack to go back to the tree house?  He wanted the treasure  p. 52
Chapter 9
Who did Polly turn into?  A woman/  Morgan le Fay  p. 58
Tell me about Morgan?  Old woman, beautiful, magic, long white hair   p. 57
Chapter 10
Where’s Morgan from?  Camelot  p. 59
Who’s her brother?  King Arthur  p. 59
How were Jack and Annie able to see the invisible tree house?  Because Annie believes in magic  p. 62
How did Morgan come along the adventures with Jack and Annie?  She was the parrot, Pteranodon, cat, and the knight  p. 63
How did Jack and Annie know Morgan was going to come back?  She put her gold medallion in Jack’s pocket  p. 67
发表于 2018-10-10 09:40 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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