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Lesson 1: Reading strategy
点评:认真学习和体会阅读策略对于任何语言的阅读都适用 - Look at pictures
- Think about whatyou already know
- Set a purpose: I want to findout about frogs
- Ask questions
- Reread
- Answer questions
- Summarize
- Think of a shortversion of what you read telling the beginning, middle, and end.
- Make connections
- Link informationto other things you have read.

Lesson 2:
Theme 1: follow me
Lesson 1: Tag
阅读技巧: 在阅读前,阅读中都要做预测
Make predictions: when we read, we think about what might happen next. We make predictions.
必须掌握的高频词:Let’s, help, now,学会造句。
Lesson 2: Let’s tap
Phonics short vowel a
Reading-writing Connection:(金句啊,最好能熟读)
First, we talked about the story.
Then, we named things we like to do.
Last, we read our sentences.
关于作业的说明: Challenge copy Masters G 1001 Pg1: 圈出和图片一致的句子。 Pg4,5:填上正确的单词。 Pg6:看图写句子。 这个部分有一些语法错误。注意,大小写和句号的使用。 Grammar Pg1, 把句子写正确:大小写,句号。 Pg2, 1, 圈出是句子的部分 2, 把句子写完整。(大小写,标点) Pg3, (没有小朋友做对,审题很重要,如果不认真审题,后面会错很多) 1, 将能组成句子的圈出来 2, 把剩余部分加一些词形成完整的句子 Pg4, 把给定的单词组成完整的句子。(建议不要加介词短语,大纲的要求,一年级只要知道主语+谓语就好了,naming part +telling part, 不要着急做超纲的事情,欲速则不达,比方说,有的小朋友造句,加介词短语,小朋友自己造其实是难的,最好是小朋友自己完成)
Lesson 2: Theme 1: follow me Lesson 1: Tag 阅读技巧: 在阅读前,阅读中都要做预测 Make predictions: when we read, we thinkabout what might happen next. We make predictions. 必须掌握的高频词:Let’s, help,now,学会造句。 Lesson 2: Let’s tap Phonics short vowel a Reading-writing Connection:(金句啊,最好能熟读) First, we talked about the story. Then, we named things we like to do. Last, we read our sentences. 关于作业的说明: Challenge copy Masters G 1001 Pg1: 圈出和图片一致的句子。 Pg4,5:填上正确的单词。 Pg6:看图写句子。 这个部分有一些语法错误。注意,大小写和句号的使用。 Grammar Pg1, 把句子写正确:大小写,句号。 Pg2, 1, 圈出是句子的部分 2, 把句子写完整。(大小写,标点) Pg3, (没有小朋友做对,审题很重要,如果不认真审题,后面会错很多) 1, 将能组成句子的圈出来 2, 把剩余部分加一些词形成完整的句子 Pg4, 把给定的单词组成完整的句子。(建议不要加介词短语,大纲的要求,一年级只要知道主语+谓语就好了,naming part +telling part, 不要着急做超纲的事情,欲速则不达,比方说,有的小朋友造句,加介词短语,小朋友自己造其实是难的,最好是小朋友自己完成) Lesson 5 (Dec 16 2018): 1, Miss Jill: Miss 和Mrs的区别 2, Phonics: short i, long I;short O,long O; 3, 高频词:so, hold, get, home, soon Think Critically 1, What is a big rig? A truck that carries bigcargo. 2, What do big rigs do? Big rigs carry big cargo tofactories, garages, schools, etc. 3, Where do you think thebig rig in the selection is going? The big rig is going to a constructionsite. 4, 太难了讲不来,看看能不能以后复习的时候讲。 5, When you grow up what jobwould you like? When I grow up, I want to bea . Lesson 5 (Dec 162018): 1, Miss Jill: Miss 和Mrs的区别 2, Phonics: short i, long I;short O,long O; 3, 高频词:so, hold, get, home, soon Think Critically 1, What is a big rig? A truck that carries bigcargo. 2, What do big rigs do? Big rigs carry big cargo tofactories, garages, schools, etc. 3, Where do you think thebig rig in the selection is going? The big rig is going to aconstruction site. 4, 太难了讲不来,看看能不能以后复习的时候讲。 5, When you grow up what jobwould you like? When I grow up, I want to bea . Lesson 6 (Dec 23 2018) Beginning: The girl isdipping into the soapy water. Middle: The girl is blowingbubbles. Ending: The bubbles floataway. Beginning: The boy digs ahold in the soil. Middle: He pours water onthe soil. Ending: The boy removesweeds. Beginning: the boy explainsthe game rules. Middle: He checks the lines. Ending: The other boy jumps. Think Critically 1, Rick is late 2, The animals give Rick analarm clock. Lesson 7 (Dec 30 2018) 3, How does the story edns?Rick was happy. 4, Could this story happenin real like? Why or why not? No. Because roosters get upearly, they are never late. 5. Which part of the storydo you think is the funnest? I think the funniest part ofthe story is when the animals are looking at Rcik, and he is fast asleep. Jobs: what’s your dad’s job? My dad works in a factory My dad works at Bosch My dad is a teacher My dad is a chef 高频词: no, help, what, do, good Character: the characters ina story are the people or animals in that story; 构成一篇故事的一个重要组成部分就是角色。 高频词: much, find, thank A realistic fiction storyseems like it could happen in real life, but an author creates the story. Recognize story structure: Who,where, what 基本的记叙文分为三种:Personal narrative个人的记叙文(真实的),realistic fiction虚构现实, fairy tale神话。 将来讲故事是这三种格式题材。 Think critically 1, who is the character that helps Mom and Dot? Bob 2, What is the problem with the hole? The hole is too big. 3, Who solves the problem? How? Bob. It digs and kicks. 4, Do you think Bob is smart? Why or why not? Yes. Bob helps to do things;Bob can see there is a problem; He knows how to solve problems. 5, Would you like to have a pet like Bob? Why or whynot? I would like to have a petlike Bob. Because he is smart, beautiful, friendly, happy, helpful, works hard. Lesson 8 (Jan 6 2019) A Tall, Tall Wall 高频词: where, finds, she, for, up All on the map 1, Does “All on the map”give information or does it tell a story? How do you know? Classify/Categorize 要学会对信息进行分类 主要是问这篇文章的是提供信息,还是讲故事。要回答这个问题,首先要知道什么是讲故事。讲故事是记叙文,也就是narrative类型的文体(当然narrative也有不同的类型),有几个必须的要素:Character,setting, problem/solution, beginning, middle, end 这篇文章实际上是给信息的expository. 四种基本文体:描述性的、叙述性的、解释性的和劝说性的 本篇文章符合解释性的文体特征。 2, What’s a map? A map shows buildings,roads, 3, What kinds of things canyou see on maps? Classify/Categorize We can see trees, roads, townhalls, school, fire, and rescue station, etc on the map. 4, how could someone use mapslike those in the selection? Main idea 主要思想 像这样的地图,人们怎么使用? 这种类似社区生活地图,当地居民使用比较合适。对旅游者不一定适用。 5, choose a place. What woulda map of it show? Draw and write about it. 画一个你熟悉的地方的地图:华山美术幼儿园 file:///C:/Users/lenovo/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg