A UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site, the collection of historic buildings around Parliament Square is undeniably impressive-regardless of how many times you've seen it in holidays snaps.
Westminster tube exits in the shadow of the Big Ben clocktower (Big Ben is the name of the largest bell within, not the tower itself). The intricately worked, tobacco-coloured Houses of Parliament then march away south along the Thames until they reach Victoria Tower Gardens,which has several interesting monuments (Rodin's The Burghers of Calais, a statue of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and the gaily coloured Buxton Memorial Fountain to the Emancipation of the Slaves). Parliament was extensively remodelled in the 1840s, but Westminster Hall retains its magnificent 14th-century hammer-beam roof;the only way to see it is to take one of the tours that run during Parliament's summer recess.
The south side of the Parliament Square is dominated by the flying buttresses of Westminster Abbey, within which almost every English monarch has been crowned since the 11th century. Elizabeth I and Mary,Queen of Scots, are buried here, and Poets' Corner commemorates writers as varied as Tennyson,Henry James and Dylan Thomas.
