目前书单,只更喜欢的,看过一遍但后面不要看的不算。 good night moon (all time favorite), my mom, my dad, Leslie series(16), bizzy bear(5-6), Maisy (7), where is the green sheep, from head to toe, no David, babybug(3), brush brush brush, step into reading (3), little pookie(2), sing along with me (8), apple english(5)
pat the cat(3),my daddy and me, go away mr. wolf, Pete the cat (5), Karen Katz (6-7), little red hen, brown bear brown bear, playtown, Eric Carle, my very first numbers, the very lonely firefly, dear zoo, good night gorilla, Spot(8), cars trains boats and planes, hello world(2), my first 100 words, first 100 animals, numbers colors shapes.
娃以前不喜欢看的书,后面都是有可能会喜欢的,过段时间就拿出来在他面前晃晃。几个月前买的几本,最近突然兴趣大增: the very hungry caterpillar, nick sharratt alphabet ice cream, faster faster nice and slow, red rockets, one to ten. 钱没有白花,老母亲欣慰。
最近看five little monkeys 之前还跟我说 这本书是蹦蹦跳跳洗澡,今天问他这是什么书,他说 five little monkeys jump in bath。还有jumpping on the bed那本 我唱到一半问他 what did the doctor say 他说 no more monkey jump on bed。虽然发音还是不好 老母亲已经很激动了
最近五只小猴子读得比较多,jump in the bath之前跟我讲 蹦蹦跳跳洗澡 昨天我问他这是什么书 他说 five little monkey jump in bath。jump on bed那本 我问 what did the doctor say? 他说 no more monkey jump in bed
Peppa goes to hospital, Peppa family computer, peppa goes to play basketball, peppa and the big train.
火车那本里面有句 suddenly the train screeches to a halt 他说 火车突然停下了 没想到他这个也会翻 虽然感觉是根据情景翻译的 但至少说出了突然
今天还说了peppa go to 打篮球
明显感觉最近看绘本话超级多 问题超级多 以前都是安静地听 会回答我的问题 现在自己迫不及待要问