娃今年10月份准备考PET. 前两天买了PET的《21天攻克PET核心词汇》,发现比KET的词汇要难好多啊。给娃看了第一课的单词,80%不认识,郁闷啊。
想着怎么让娃能快速记忆这这些单词的意思,我想了个办法,打算把每课的单词(一个21天,21课)编成一个小故事,最好这些小故事的情节能串联起来。今天试了一下,大家看看这个方法可行伐? 先贴第一课的小故事,为了把第一课50多个单词都串联起来,可能语法方面有些毛病,故事情节方面有些荒诞:lol,大家凑合着看看。废我的脑细胞不止一点点啊,大家看了想鼓励我一下,不要忘了打赏啊!
Chapter One A secret thief Accompanied by my activefriend Kaven, we arrived at the attractive scenery, the Yangtze coast. There weresteep cliff, rocky valley and stream. We paid additional charge to get theadmission to the dangerous region(area) of the bay. We planned to catch a thiefthere. According to theaccurate time, we aimed at the thief and caught him on time. Although the thiefwho has pale face and blonde hair, is still alive, we tied him with belt andhandkerchief. I thought we can not afford the accommodation that night, butKaven didn’t accept my advice( He was against me). He thought we could book theadvanced hotel, but I did not allow. I admitted we didn’t have more money,except some jewellery and pension. At that night, we lived by the border of bayand at the midnight, the thief was absent, and as well as Kaven, left alipstick and a bottom of perfume by the bay!