发表于 2019-7-6 20:11
来自: 中国上海
劝尔一杯酒 发表于 2019-07-06 20:04
esson 1 Focus on Informational Text
- Recognizing the distinguishing elements of monition, informational books, including factual information and photos or illustrations.
- Recognizing how photographs or illustrations assist in showing the reader more information about the topic.
Lesson 2 A Volcano Is Born
- Reading informational texts to build vocabulary, uency, and comprehension skills.
- Making a connection between personal experience and nonction,informational text.
- Developing knowledge of increasingly complex written syntactic structures through reading and being read to from a variety of texts
- Reading informational texts for pleasure or to learn new information
这个好难,老师能指导到位嘛?瑞思都是中教据说? |