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[小学英语] 小学英语连词常见错误

发表于 2019-7-4 14:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
Conjunction Use连词用法

1. 和我不一样,她对英语很精通。

× Different from me, she is proficient in English.

√  Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

2. 莫妮卡,借我点钱吧,比方说500美元。

× Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Monika.

√  Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Monika.

3. 去年夏天我本想去欧洲,但费用太高于是放弃了。

× I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.

√  I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.

4. 我就是这样做的。

× This is the way how I did it.

√  This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.

5. 我来这儿的路上遇到了交通事故,所以迟到了。

× There was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.

√  There was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.

6. 他们不理解我的想法。

× They didn't understand my mind.

√  They didn't understand what I was thinking

发表于 2019-7-4 15:32 来自手机浏览器 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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