我给大家举个例子:这个是G1 Unit 6 week 2 essential question: Who helps you?
1、上课老师能解决的层面是who helps you;what did they do to help you? why do people need help?以及不同的helpers。
2、第一个层面的可以解决基本口语问题,但不充分,需要先给娃build background and concept,加深理解,拓展口语词汇;举例说,昨天我们讨论中提到了如何帮助可以让别人更容易接受:比如讨论到帮忙者态度问题(娃可以想到的,being too bossy is not welcome,and we shall show respect for other people and final decision),帮忙时候需要注意的技巧问题如good communication,tell your instructions clearly等;这么画图、讨论然后总结30分钟没了……
1、上课老师能解决的层面是who helps you;what did they do to help you? why do people need help?以及不同的helpers。
2、第一个层面的可以解决基本口语问题,但不充分,需要先给娃build background and concept,加深理解,拓展口语词汇;举例说,昨天我们讨论中提到了如何帮助可以让别人更容易接受:比如讨论到帮忙者态度问题(娃可以想到的,being too bossy is not welcome,and we shall show respect for other people and final decision),帮忙时候需要注意的技巧问题如good communication,tell your instructions clearly等;这么画图、讨论然后总结30分钟没了……