Understanding China's consumer culture is a good starting point for understanding the nation itself, as it races toward superpower status. Though the country's economy and society are evolving rapidly, the underlying cultural blueprint has remained more or less constant for thousands of years. China is a Confucian society, a quixotic combination of top-down patriarchy and bottom-up social mobility. Citizens are driven by an ever-present conflict between standing out and fitting in, between ambition and regimentation. In Chinese society, individuals have no identity apart from obligations to, and acknowledgment by, others. The clan and nation are the eternal pillars of identity. Western individualism—the idea of defining oneself independent of society—doesn't exist。
随着中国迅速迈向超级大国,理解其消费文化是理解这个国家的良好开端。尽管这个国家的经济和社会正经历急速演变,但根本的文化底蕴却经历数千年基本没变。 中国是儒家社会,是自上而下的家长[微博]制度与自下而上的社会流动性匪夷所思的结合体。在中国,彰显个性总是与适应融入相冲突,野心勃勃与严守克己相矛盾,中国 人就是被这些矛盾驱动着。在中国社会,除了对他人的义务以及他人对自己的认可,个人是没有特性的。集体和国家是个人身份的永恒支柱。西方的个人主义,即赋予个人独立于社会之外意义的概念,在中国是不存在的。