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[初中外语] 英语幽默故事 The Attraction of the Map

发表于 2011-12-2 12:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
本帖最后由 小李子 于 2011-12-2 12:33 编辑

Mr. Smith taught English at a school .At the beginning of his lesson, he liked to have one of his students give a report on any subject. When it was Jack's turn, he told his audience about his elder brother who was a local worker. But during the report, his eyes were staring at the world map on the wall all the time. Mr. Smith knew that Jack didn't look at the audience because he was nervous. He said to Jack jokingly, "We can see you miss your brother very much. But is he 0. K. now in South America?"    Notes:
      (1) subject n.题目
      (2) audience n .听众
      (3) jokingly adv. 开玩笑地
      (1) Mr. Smith taught ________ at a school.
      (2) He liked to have one of his students give a ______ on any subject.
      (3) Jack told his audience about his elder brother who was a _____ worker.
      (4) During his report, Jack didn't look at the _______ .
      (5) Jack looked at the world map all the time because he was ______ .
译文:    地图的引力
    ① English ② report ③ local ④ audience ⑤ nervous

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