发表于 2015-12-29 10:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
本帖最后由 carrotb 于 2015-12-29 10:52 编辑
介绍苏西前,先引用CD封套介绍:“从来没有人为了一套英语儿歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改编,力求活泼趣味亲切温暖,并不惜成本动用了钢琴、小提琴、大提琴,吉他、曼陀铃、手鼓、各式鼓乐与打击乐器、口琴、手风琴、管风琴等大量真实的乐器,让音乐听起来特别生动活泼,完全没有电脑合成乐器的平板呆滞,再加上受过严谨声乐训练的Susie Tallman,字正腔圆的唱工,难怪有那么多美国专业幼教,亲子杂志毫无保留地一致推荐。”

当我听到苏西出版的全部7张CD时,我了解到这段介绍绝无虚言。苏西在1999年创办rock me baby,怀抱对音乐孩子的爱,尽心收罗快要失传的儿歌。苏西以她受过专业训练的女高音,用一屋子的乐器替代电子乐器,和她的朋友们用创意十足的方式,重新演绎了经典儿童歌曲。我最喜欢的字母歌,就有单词版和美声版两个创新版本。

Susie Tallman这套英语儿歌,因为从来没有人为了一套英语儿歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改编,力求活泼趣味亲切温暖,并不惜成本动用了钢琴、小提琴、大提琴,吉他、曼陀铃、手鼓、各式鼓乐与打击乐器、口琴、手风琴、管风琴???等大量真实的乐器,让音乐听起来特别生动活泼,完全没有电脑合成乐器的平板呆滞,再加上受过严谨声乐训练的Susie Tallman,字正腔圆的唱工,难怪有那么多美国专业幼教,亲子杂誌毫无保留地一致推荐。

[Children's Songs CD1 - A Collection of Childhood Favorites]

[Children's Songs CD2 - Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes]

[Children's Songs CD3 - Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams]

[Children's Songs CD4 - Classic Nursery Rhymes]

[Children's Songs CD5 - Let's Go! Travel,Camp and Car Songs]

[Children's Songs CD6 - Classical Baby]

[Children's Songs CD7 - A Child's Christmas, Holiday Songs & Carols]


(Children’s Songs) 最受欢迎的儿歌专辑
CD 1
Children's Songs, a collection of childhood favorites最受欢迎的儿歌
01. I've Been Working On the Railroad我在铁路工作过(美国民谣)
02. Five Little Ducks五只鸭子
03. The Alphabet Song字母歌
04. BINGO宾果
05. Big Rock Candy Mountain大石头糖果山
06. Pop Goes the Weasel 鼬鼠跳
07. Say, Say Oh Playmate喂,喂,喔,玩伴
08. De Colores多彩多姿 (西班牙歌曲)
09. Bumblebee大黄蜂
10. Five Little Speckled Frogs五只有斑纹小青蛙
11. 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe 一,二 系鞋带
12. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain她就要绕过山路来这里了(美国民谣)
13. Found A Peaunt捡到花生
14. Puff the Magic Dragon帕夫,神龙
15. Alouette云雀
16. Little Peter Rabbit小彼德兔
17. Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar谁从饼干罐偷走饼干?
18. Monkeys on the Bed四只小猴子
19. Apples & Bananas苹果和香蕉
20. La Cucaracha蟑螂 (西班牙歌曲)
21. Hokey Pokey做动作
22. Old MacDonald王老先生有块田
23. Buffalo Gals水牛女孩
24. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt约翰杰可琴烈门史密特
25. Down in the Valley山谷下
26. Ants Go Marching In蚂蚁行进
27. Do Your Ears Hang Low? 你可以把耳朵压低吗?
28. Wheels on the Bus公车的轮子
29. If You're Happy and You Know It如果你发现你很高兴
30 Oh When the Saints Go Marching In喔当圣人走过来时
31. London Bridges伦敦铁桥
32. Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends好好对待有蹼的朋友
33. Farmer in the Dell山谷中的农夫
34. Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?你有没有看见一位姑娘?
35. Red River Valley红河谷
36. Sur La Pont d'Avignon亚维浓桥
37. Kookaburra库卡伯拉
38. Row, Row, Row Your Boat划呀,划呀,划船


睡眼催眠曲 (Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes)
CD 2
Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes睡眼催眠曲
01. Suo Gan (古老威尔斯曲)
02. Dance To Your Daddy跟着爹地跳舞
03. Morningtown Ride莫宁城之旅
04. Little Boy Blue小男孩布鲁
05. Raisins & Almonds葡萄干和杏仁
06. German Cradle Song德国摇篮曲
07. Fais Dodo (Go To Sleep)乖乖睡
08. Bye, Baby Bunting再见,宝贝
09. Hush Now, My Baby乖乖睡,我的宝贝
10. Toora, Loora Loora (爱尔兰摇篮曲)
11. Baloo Baleerie (盖尔语摇篮曲)
12. Goodnight To You All大家晚安
13. Rock-A-Bye Baby乖乖睡宝贝
14. Summertime夏日时光
15. Waltzing Matilda丛林流浪
16. Baby's Bed A Silver Moon婴儿床是银色的月亮


美梦催眠曲(Lullabies for Sleepy Dreams)
CD 3
Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams美梦摇篮曲
01. Hush Little Baby别出声,小宝贝
02. Rock-a-bye Baby乖乖睡,宝贝
03. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star一闪一闪小星星
04. Lovely Evening迷人的夜晚
05. Mother Goose Lullaby鹅妈妈摇篮曲
06. Mozart's Lullaby莫札特摇篮曲
07. All The Pretty Little Horses美丽小马
08. Golden Slumbers一夜好眠
09. Armenian Lullaby亚美尼亚摇篮曲
10. Sleep, Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧
11. Sweetly Sleep甜甜地睡
12. Slumber Song摇篮曲
13. Tell Me Why告诉我为什么
14. Winkum, Winkum眨眼,眨眼
15. Brahms' Lullaby布拉姆摇篮曲
16. Kumbaya康巴
17. Dona Nobis Pacem让我们平平静静
18. All Through the Night一夜到天明


经典童谣(Classic Nursery Rhymes)
CD 4
Classic Nursery Rhymes经典童谣
01. Six Little Ducks六只小鸭
02. Sing a Song of Sixpence唱一首六便士之歌
03. Peter Piper风笛手彼得
04. Hickory Dickory Dock山核桃时钟
05. I'm A Little Teapot我是一个小茶壶
06. Little Miss Muffett围巾小姐
07. Itsy Bitsy Spider可爱的小蜘蛛
08. Georgie Porgie乔治波吉
09. Ten Monkeys in the Bed床上的猴子
10. Rub-A-Dub-Dub航海
11. Skidamarink史科达马瑞
12. Three Little Kittens三只小猫咪
13. Over In The Meadow原野上
14. Humpty Dumpty矮胖子
15. This Old Man一个老先生
16. There Was A Crooked Man一个驼背的人
17. Mary Had A Little Lamb玛莉有只小绵羊
18. Betty Botter贝蒂玻特
19. Diddle Diddle Dumpling小傻瓜
20. Hey Diddle Diddle嗨,真奇怪
21. Three Blind Mice三只瞎眼的老鼠
22. Old King Cole老国王高尔
23. Mary, Mary玛莉,玛莉
24. Pat-A-Cake轻拍面糊烤蛋糕,轻拍面糊烤蛋糕
25. Jack and Jill杰克和吉儿
26. Frere Jacques雅各
27. Dr. Foster佛斯特医生
28. It's Raining, It's Pouring/ 28. Rain Rain Go Away下雨,下起倾盆大雨/ 雨啊,雨啊,快走开
29. Little Bo Peep小宝皮
30. Going to St. Ives去圣艾维斯
31. Little Nut Tree我有一棵小坚果树
32. Mulberry Bush桑树
33. Baa Baa Black Sheep咩咩黑羊
34. There Was An Old Woman有一个老太太
35. The Owl and The Pussycat猫头鹰和小猫咪
36. Lavender's Blue蓝色薰衣草
37. Wynkyn, Blynkyn and Nod眨眼,闪烁和点头


Let's Go! Travel,Camp and Car Songs
01. Let’s Go
02. Polly Wolly Doodle
03. Madalina Catalina
04. Throw it out the Window
05. Going on a Bear Hunt
06. On Top of Spaghetti
07. A Sailor Went to Sea
08. Oh! Susanna
09. You are My Sunshine
10. The Old Family Toothbrush
11. Sippin’ Cider through a Straw
12. Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
13. I Love the Mountains
14. Swiiming Hole
15. The Ostrich Song
16. Blowin’ in the Wind
17. Boom Chicka Boom
18. Yankee Doodle
19. Mary Ann McCarty
20. Clementine
21. Aint’ Gonna Rain No More
22. There’s A Hole in the Bucket
23. 1000 Legged Worm
24. Home on the Range
25. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
26. To Morrow


Classical Baby
01. Brezairola Lullaby - Auvergne Lullaby
02. Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring - Johann Sebastian Bach
03. Brahms’ Lullaby - Johannes Brahms
04. The Swan - Camille Saint-Sa?ns
05. Hansel & Gretel - Engelbert Humperdinck
06. Largo from Symphony #9 - Antonin Dvorak
07. Ave Maria - J.S. Bach & Charles Gounod
08. Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel
09. Ombra Mai Fu-Xerxes - George Frederick Handel
10. Hymn to the Moon - Antonin Dvorak
11. Sleep On, Little One - Johannes Brahms
12. Now the Day is Over - S. Baring-Gould & Sir J. Barnby
13. Evening Hymn - Felix Mendelssohn (from Elijah)
14. Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy
15. Ave Maria - Gerard Sars
16. Little Children - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
17. Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig van Beethoven
18. Mozart’s Lullaby - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


A Child's Christmas * Holiday Songs & Carols
01. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
02. Merry Christmas Greeting
03. A Holly Jolly Christmas
04. Up on the Housetop
05. Joke - Junglebells
06. Jingle Bells
07. Joke - Iceburgers & Snowball
08. Frosty the Snowman
09. Merry Christmas: Spanish & Swedish
10. The Little Drummer Boy
11. Joke - Reindeer Ear Muffs
12. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
13. God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
14. Merry Christmas: Portuguese & Navajo
15. I’m Gettin Nuttin’ for Christmas
16. Love Came Down at Christmas
17. Deck the Hall
18. Joke - Santa Walking Backwards
19. You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch
20. Merry Christmas: French & Italian
21. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
22. I Saw Three Ships
23. Here We Come-A-Caroling
24. Go Tell It On the Mountain
25. Joke - Christmas Cake
26. O Christmas Tree
27. Joke - Tinselitis
28. We Need A Little Christmas
29. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
30. Jolly Old St. Nicholas
31. Merry Christmas: Japanese & Hawaiian
32. White Christmas
33. Story - Willy the Wombat’s...
34. In the Bleak Midwinter
35. Angels We Have Heard on High
36. Away in a Manger
37. Twas the Night Before Christmas
38. O Little Town of Bethlehem
39. Some Children See Him
40. Merry Christmas: German
41. Silent Night
42. The Christmas Song


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