这对于那些想立足于全球政界的人来说是很有用的一种能力。美国四十年前的总统肯尼迪就具备这种to think on his feet的能力。他能在麦克风和电视摄影机的面前机智地回答记者提出的二,三十个有关国内外事务的问题。下面说话的人也是一个电台的编辑,他还记得肯尼迪是如何应答一屋子记者对他提出的问题的。这位编辑说:
I have never seen a public figure quite as good at holding a press conference. He'd call on people around the room, and always think on his feet to answer their questions without hesitating. Best of all he had a great sense of humor and usually had the reporters laughing。
Jane, did you read that think piece in the New York Times this morning by that Senator from Iowa? He thinks the Congress ought to find more money to promote the sale of American farm products like corn and soy beans to countries overseas。
Bob quit his teaching job and went to work as researcher at a think tank that studies problems of economic development in Southeast Asia. He says he wants to do more with what he's learned than simply teach Asian history。