我自己本人是一名在职教师。做了7-8年民办学校的老师,对孩子们各种读读背背,写写练练,看在眼里,思考于心。做题做习惯了,我们只知道英语考试里有个大题,占的比分极大,那就是我们的阅读理解了。阅读理解分为T or F, multiple choice, number the order, cloze等题型。想起小时候读某培训机构的神奇英语,老师都是教我们各种阅读技巧:细节题,排除法,主旨题等等。有的时候发现时间不够,只读题,不读全文也能做对。
阅读习惯差,不是一天两天养成的。长时间的题海战术,快餐式阅读,谁有多少功夫去做一点reading research。上个星期和家长聊起这个问题,有位家长抱怨说“做题牺牲了孩子们的阅读时间”,我很是感慨,毕竟自己的学生时代就是这么过来的。
这是我在平时教学中运用的很普通的一篇阅读,每个段落都陈述了孩子放学后的一个很普通的任务,很生活,这样的文章是很容易阅读并做一些模仿练习的。比如说平时我们经常做的练习What do you do after school? What do you like doing at weekends?小朋友说总是I do my homework, do some housework, play computer games and read some books.
但是原文中对这些简单的事情的描写确是非常生动的。Jake had a lot of homework to do. It was three pages long.He added and subtracted until his hand got tired of writing. 代替了I had a lot of homeowrk. I did my homework the whole afternoon要详细许多了。仔细想,有多少内容是孩子根本不会写的。没有,他们不会写是因为根本没有人这么教过他们。
再比如,我学生作文里很喜欢提到的I like playing computer games.这已经算不错了,没有写I like playing computer. 但原文的描写是He turned on the TV and put a cartridge into the player.He watched the monsters fighting on the screen while his fingers pushed buttons to make them move.孩子们不会写是因为语文的写作课老师从来不允许他们写“玩物丧志”的打游戏细节,而用英语去表达“胸前的红领巾更加鲜红了”西方人也没这个思维,重要的是他们鲜红不知道怎么写。这就是中国孩子写作文时遇到的瓶颈。我们的文化跟别人不一样,词汇量又很小。要把中文一句一句翻译成英文那是何等的难啊。算了,放弃吧。我就老老实实写 I like reading books like storybooks, fair tales, science books and so on.这已经算是思想觉悟高,语言水平ok的同年纪作文了。
今天我问一个正在上新概念二的学生,我让你写一篇文章,my cat。你有什么想法吗?孩子很迷茫的看了看我。这个娃我已经带了4年了,从小学三年级开始,教她各种语音语言文化和知识,从不刷题,但应试教育不在话下,重点学校班里英语也数一数二。今天我偶然问她这个问题,她还是傻住了。这不是小学作文吗? I have a lovely cat named... It has two big eyes. It has black fur with some white stripes down on its back. It likes eating mice. It always jumps high into a tree and play hide and seek with us. I love my cat.乍一看,文章还不错是吗。
My cat has 2 qualities that, together, equal disaster! These two traits are ability and curiosity.
First of all, since cats have the ability to climb very high, my pet can really get into some interesting places. She is even able to get on top of bookshelves. she is also able to climb a tree, but she is not always able to get down by herself.
Second, my cat is so curious. She always wants to see what is on the trees, over the fence, or inside a bag. She is full of curiosity! Her ability knows no bounds. She has a ntural ability to smell things, too. That means she knows if we bring home groceries that include fish. Then she meows until we give her a treat.
My cat was also born with the ability to hunt. she is always chasing bugs and birds. Some cats don't have much curiosity. They just like to sleep all day. Not my cat.If you have a cat like mine, full of ability and curiosity, you'll have your hands full.